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Maros setelah saya beberapa hari bergabung dalam sebuah forum dunia Maya di Malaysia yang menamakan Forum Komunitas TBD SECURITY (Malaysia), tidak jarang saya melihat di bicarakan tentang penghhinaan bagi warga indonesia, entahh maksud mereka apa, dia selalu mengatakan Indonesia bodoh dalam Sejarah, tidak paham sejarah Dll.
pada hari kedua saya bergabung, tiba-tiba ada yang menyapa saya di salah satu YM saya yang Lain (maaf YM ini untuk Malaysia) memang ID YM saya ini sengaja saya Posting di TBD SECURITY untuk bisa mengajak mereka Berdialog, dan akhirnya saya berdialog dengan seorang anak TBD juga yang saya bisa melihat Postingan di TBD juga menghina-hina Indonesia, tappi saat dia Berdialog, dia mengatakan kalau dia tidak suka Bergaduh (Aneh), dia mengirimkan sebuah Link di dari Youtube yang berisikan tentang gagalnya "GANYANG MALAYSIA" di masa lampau. saat saya mengalihkan ke pembicaraan Batik, Reog Ponorogo, dia memberikan kembali Link dari Youtube, yang videonya tentang tari Reog Ponorogo yg di Tuliskan dengan nama Barongan.


Diposting oleh Touya Blog on Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Add Or Stop Programs During Startup

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You can start or stop programs from executing at bootup by adding or deleting them to/from the run Keys in the Registry. Windows loads programs to start in the following order; Program listed in the Local Machine hive, then the Current User hive, then theWin.ini Run= and Load = lines. then finally programs in your Start Up folder.

To add or remove programs in the Registry
1.Open RegEdit
2.Go to the desired Key
3. Add a new String Value and name it anything you like
4. For the value data, enter the path and executable for the program you want to run.

SelanjutnyaAdd Or Stop Programs During Startup

Diposting oleh Touya Blog on Selasa, 08 September 2009


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The Basics of Fdisk:
Primary partitions are the only one that are bootable. They're always the C: drive when active. Normally you can only have one (more with some special tricks etc.) Extended partitions are needed when you want more than one partition. You can only have ONE Extended partition. Logical Drives come into the Extended partition. They are handy since you know that you can only have one Primary and one Extended so you can get more than only two partitions. They would be your D:, E:, etc. drives.

First you need to reboot your system with the Boot Disk inserted.

1.At the A: prompt start "FDISK."

SelanjutnyaFLASHDISK Tutorial

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Mozilla Firefox Hotkeys | Keyboard Shortcuts

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CTRL + A Select all text on a webpage
CTRL + B Open the Bookmarks sidebar
CTRL + C Copy the selected text to the Windows clipboard
CTRL + D Bookmark the current webpage
CTRL + F Find text within the current webpage
CTRL + G Find more text within the same webpage
CTRL + H Opens the webpage History sidebar
CTRL + I Open the Bookmarks sidebar
CTRL + J Opens the Download Dialogue Box
CTRL + K Places the cursor in the Web Search box ready to type your search

SelanjutnyaMozilla Firefox Hotkeys | Keyboard Shortcuts

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DOS Command Index

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ASSIGN x=y [...] /sta

Redirects disk drive requests to a different drive.



ATTRIB [d:][path]filename [/S]
ATTRIB [+R|-R] [+A|-A] [+S|-S] [+H|-H] [d:][path]filename [/S]

Sets or displays the read-only, archive, system, and hidden attributes of a file or directory.


SelanjutnyaDOS Command Index

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Registry tricks

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How to remove recycle bin from your desktop Tip:

Open Regedit by going to START - RUN and type Regedit and hit enter. Then you should navigate to following entry in registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\
Desktop\NameSpace\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} and delete it. This action should remove recycle bin from your desktop.
How to stop new programs installed balloon from coming up tip:

Right click on START button and select properties. Click on Customize and go to Advanced tab and deselect check box saying "Highlight newly installed programs". This would help you stop this annoying feature from popping up every now and then.

SelanjutnyaRegistry tricks

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Some slight changes can do wonders for your system:

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1.Press start->run then type msconfig and press enter.

Go to the startup tab. Here you will see a list of startup items. These are all the programs that automatically start when you boot your PC. It is these that slow down the boot up process.

So uncheck all the unwanted items like ms-office, messengers other utilities that u may not need at startup). Don't uncheck your antivirus software.

Restart your Pc to and see for yourself, your pc will now boot faster....

SelanjutnyaSome slight changes can do wonders for your system:

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